Results of the competition “100 best goods of Russia”

Результаты конкурса «100 лучших товаров России»At the stage, which took place on December 5 within the framework of the all-Russian competition, 21 winners were selected. Laureates and diploma winners now can mark their products with program logo. The organizers were regional ministries.

The competition is aimed at motivating enterprises to produce highly competitive products. To obtain a distinctive mark, a product had to undergo a thorough check in special laboratories.

СAmong the winners in the category where the quality of products for production and technical purposes was assessed, one can mention the company LADA-LIST LLC, a manufacturer of ZUROPLAST plastic sheets. The high quality of material was highly appreciated in the competition, and the brand’s products are now supplied with a distinctive sign. The company is a member of the European and International Association of Plastics Distributors.

Диплом 100 лучших товаров РоссииДиплом 100 лучших товаров РоссииДиплом 100 лучших товаров России

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